These are the herbs I chose: alfalfa, catnip, chamomile, dandelion root, dandelion leaf, peppermint, red raspberry leaf, rose hips, nettle, and red clover. Stir them together in a large bowl. Then divide them amongst pint jars. I got 3 out of mine. You may get a little more or less depending on the herbs you choose.
Fill jar about half way with boiling water, then up to about 75% with food grade vegetable glycerin. Be sure there is at least 1 inch headspace for the herbs to cook and expand. Attatch lids and rings then place in slow cooker.
Fill the slow cooker up to the lids with hot water. Turn your cooker to "low" then leave it...for 3 days. Check it a few times a day to maintain the water level.
At the end of the 3 days, turn off the cooker and allow the jars to cool for a bit before removing them to the counter. Carefully remove the lids and strain each jar. (you can use an old clean tee shirt to strain it all at once, but I didn't want to waste a drop, so I stained a little at a time.) I strained a second time to be sure I only got the fluid.
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